Home Services
Pests can ruin our homes, health, and happiness. These pests come in many different varieties and they come at different times of the year. That’s why Humphreys Insect Control has developed plans to protect your home for all four seasons. By providing regular treatments, we can control pests before they invade your home!

Inspections Service
Pest and insect control is much more complicated than you may think! Do-It-yourselfers may not be getting the job done completely and effectively! For every pest that you may eliminate, it is more than likely that many more exist in places that aren’t possible to see. That’s where Humphreys Insect Control will provide the difference. We firmly believe that to completely control these pests they need to be eliminated from where they originate (outside). We also provide an interior service to eliminate any that might have unwantedly entered the property through cracks and crevices around the foundation.
Pest & Insect Control
Pests are no different than us. They need warmth, food, water, and shelter to survive. Our pest maintenance programs focus on both the inside and outside of the property. After learning some details about the property, a Humphrey professional technician will proceed to treat the property accordingly.
We treat areas such as baseboards and entry points. Material options may include baits, dust, granular, and/or liquids.
To protect your property from the destruction of subterranean termites – or pests of any kind you can rely on Humphreys Insect Control. Our mission is to ensure that the service we provide you is the very best treatment available.
Please call us Toll-Free at 1-800-272-1336 for a free inspection today.
Our results are guaranteed!

Seasonal Pest Control Issues
Springtime Pest Control
When everything comes alive!! While April showers bring May flowers, tree blossoms, and lush green lawns, they also bring a new generation of ants, spiders, crickets, centipedes, and many other insects, all needing food, water, and shelter.
A Humphreys entry point treatment will reduce the possibility of a wide variety of insects invading your residence. It will continue to protect your home throughout the spring season.
Summer Pest Control
When you water your flowers and lawn due to the summer sun and heat, it attracts insects toward your home. When that water source has dissipated their next step is inside your home! A Humphreys summer service puts a protective barrier around your home to prevent unwanted house guests. Doors, windows, under siding, and vents are favorite entry point areas that are treated.
Bees, wasps, and hornets become plentiful, and look for places to penetrate your home and build nests. These dangerous and harmful insects will be treated to reduce the risk of painful stings.
Fall Pest Control
The season of change. Lush green leaves turn to multicolored hues as they dry up and fall. Getting ready for the oncoming winter becomes the order of the day for fall. Insects that have outside warmth and protection quickly move inside your home to nest and thrive. Mice and rats also must find lodging against the colder weather. Your home will be carefully inspected for potential rodent entry points. Rodent proofing will be recommended if needed.
Winter Pest Control
Winter brings snow and bitter cold, wind chill, and icy surfaces. Time to get out the sweaters, scarves, and earmuffs. Winter is also the time for discovering previously hidden insect infestations, such as silverfish and mice, which can do considerable damage to your home. Interior treatment of storage areas such as attics, closets, basements, and garages are targeted in the winter to control potential infestation problems.
Please call us Toll-Free at 1-800-272-1336 for a free inspection today.